Most customers today have already started taking cloud seriously. However, not every customer is savvy enough to build a robust cloud strategy. Many don’t have granular visibility into their IT infrastructure –and are not able to quantify the benefits in cost, agility, speed, and time to market that cloud brings. Other technology business, while aware of the benefits, don’t know where to start from –and are unsure of how ready their staff, systems, tools, and processes are for public cloud.
This is why most managed services engagements begin with a cloud assessment. A cloud assessment determines which workloads are ready to move to Azure, and in what fashion (lift-n-shift, re-platform, or replacement with a new deployment model). Business CIO/CTO’s will only trust cloud managed service providers as a iTreen who is having datacenter managed services experience with decades of real time experience on servers, databases and private cloud technologies management along with strong knowledge and experience on public cloud technologies management for proper roadmap and guidance for optimizing their workloads in Microsoft Azure.
iTreen cloud assessment framework will ensure to cover end to end IT Infrastructure to propose right Azure solution with 100% hassle free migration approach. iTreen’ s IT assessment framework will determine each application and it’s associated dependencies for cloud readiness, allows organizations to determine what applications and data can, and cannot be readily moved to a cloud environment, defining the migration strategy and migration process for each app, will deliver this lowest migration / deployment TCO.
iTreen will do free* IT assessment and propose Azure cloud adoption with TCO.
Assess enterprise environment, infrastructure, workloads, and applications. Assessing applications and workloads for cloud readiness allows organizations to determine what applications and data can, and cannot be readily moved to a cloud environment and what delivery models (public cloud or hybrid cloud) can be supported along with support services levels and key IT dependences.
Create infrastructure migration road maps based on application dependency and performance; identify shadow IT. It is common for an application being migrated to a cloud service to have connections of various kinds with other applications and systems therefore, the application owners need to understand the impact of these connections and address it.
Visualizing of workloads interdependency with other technologies and group it and name as a single phase migration workload, tweak groupings based on insight gleaned from assessment and infrastructure mapping. Integration between apps is traditionally classified into three categories: process integration (sharing functions), data integration (sharing data), and presentation integration (sharing user interface).
Determine customer’s single phase migration workload group cloud viability, readiness, and cost of migration. Prioritize apps based on how well they score for each “cloud readiness” metric and how mission critical they are to a customer’s business. Right size any over or under-utilized resources. Address any security or privacy issues.
Estimate TCO of running applications on premises vs. in the cloud with accurate inputs on labor, infrastructure, tools, training etc. Calculate the ROI of migration from on premise to cloud.
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